Welcome to WineCountryDrivers.Com!

We believe that being responsible shouldn't have to be expensive. The WineCountryDrivers.Com website is a cooperative of Wine Tour Guides & Designated Drivers serving the Napa Valley and Sonoma County Wine Country.

Unlike traditional limousine services, the drivers listed on our website are independent Wine Tour Guides. They can save you the expense of chartering a limousine or sedan by driving your personal vehicle. If you already have a car, why pay to charter another one? 

Simply use the "Find A Driver" feature on this page and you will be rewarded with a list of available drivers anxiously awaiting your business. To find a driver simply select the Wine region you will be visiting as well as the date of your visit. The search results will provide you with a list of drivers that are available for the day(s) of your visit. You can visit the profile of each available driver with the simple click of your mouse. Each profile includes information about the drivers service, their experience in the Wine Country, rates, reviews and the drivers contact information so you can contact them directly.

We hope that hiring a designated driver / tour guide will help you focus more on enjoying the wine instead of worrying about how much wine you have had to drink. After all our motto is "We take the worry out of wine tasting".

To find a Driver simply select the Wine Region and date of your visit. Thank you for browsing our new website!